Saturday, September 4, 2010

faaaarmers market!

guess what day it is?!  saturday!  and what is saturday?!  FARMERS MARKET DAY.

aka the best day of the week.  and this morning felt crisp and cool and wonderful.  especially surrounded by the beauty that is UVA and Charlottesville in general.  just look at it!

i could not wait to post pictures of what i picked up at the market today, so this post is all about ingredients instead of finished meals.  but no worries-- they will make appearances again soon in delicious dishes as the week continues.

the veg:
Organic Basil

i picked up a gorgeous bunch of fresh, organic basil for $3.00.  my plan?  why, pesto, of course!

Fresh Mixed Greens

what could be better than walking in to a farmers market stall and seeing a great, big basket of mixed arugula and mesclun greens that you can bag yourself?  i got about an ounce (which is a nice salad bowl full) for a mere $0.75. 

White New Potatoes, Heirloom Tomato, Haricot Vert

these incredible veggies came from the same farm in western Albermarle County right outside of Charlottesville.  the new potatoes will be perfect for roasting with rosemary, the heirloom tomato in a fresh tomato and olive oil sauce, and the haricot vert just steamed with a pinch of salt and a pad of butter.  the best part about this lot?  $1.75 for the entire group.

Fresh Peaches

its peach season!  these small peaches will soon meet a brown sugar and butter crumb topping for a light summer cobbler.  $1.00 for both.

the meat:
Fresh Chorizo Sausage

please, just look at the ingredient list.  that's how you know what you're eating is fresh and natural.  and when you buy meat from the source (aka the adorable British man at the Babes in the Woods stand), you can ask the important questions-- like, what do you feed your animals?  where are they raised?  if you're satisfied with the answers, you can feel good about what you buy and what you eat.  plus-- its chorizo!  no one can resist chorizo!  especially not a uruguayan like me. and they were only $5.00.

Boneless Chuck Steak

again, what a wonderful and responsible feeling it is to buy meat from farmers who treat their animals well.  personally, when i can control it, i prefer to eat only grass-fed, hormone-free, free range beef.  upon finding this vendor today at the market, i nearly cried tears of joy.  i talked to the husband and wife who run their farm, asked about their favorite cut of meat, and walked away with a beautiful steak for $4.50. 

lastly, the pasta!
Fresh Gnocchi

i cannot describe to you the excitement i felt when i came across this new vendor at the market.  she had fresh pasta of all kinds:  tortellini, fettucini, ravioli, spinach vermicelli, and GNOCCHI.  sold by the pound for $5.00, i could not resist.  this brings back such memories of me and all my cousins huddled around the kitchen table at christmastime, helping my grandma roll gnocchi off the back of a fork, giving the pasta their little ridges.  hours of work for a wonderful pay off!  these tiny potato dumplings have always been a favorite of mine.  i can already see them enrobed in bright green pesto.  mmmm!

the coolest part about my day at the farmers market?  i only spent $21.00.  ohhhh yeah!

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